At the farm we require a lot of fertilizer, we try to do it
our-self, at least most of it, by recycling as much as we can.
We build compost bins that will hold about 25 tons of fertilizer,
so far we have 7 of them, we have compost ready in 2 to 2.5 months.
So we are able to produce more than 300 tons of fertilizer each
year, all used for coffee.
Usually here we recycle the coffee pulp, rice husk, algae
from the lakes, garbage from the hotel and workers houses, weed,
anything that we can find goes in here to be composted.
Cow manure compost
We have about 100 calf and we collect their manure together
with pigs manure and have Californian worms that will de-compost
this and make it into top soil. This is used mostly for the coffee
nursery. This provides a good start for our new coffee plants.
Flower compost
At the farm we produce flowers, mainly mums, and there is
cuttings that cannot be used in the flower business as well as
flowers that were not sold and go bad, oh well, we decompose
all those with African worms, they are slightly different, they
are larger and eat faster and decompose this type of product
better. |